
Proverb a Day: Day 26

Read Proverbs 26

Usually our oldest sleeps in, but one morning she was up early, and we talked about how this verse is going to guide her well through the junior high years (!) Personally, I’ve had to relearn this verse over and over again.

Gossip is an easy trap to fall into and once you fall, it’s easier to slide further and further. And the serious harm that it can do to others or even yourself is not worth it. Don’t know about you, but I always feel slimy and miserable after a “juicy” gossip session and get convicted every time. A good daily prayer that Mary Whelchel, founder of The Christian Working Woman ministries, advises is to pray Psalm 141:6 daily: Keep a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips.

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