Proverb a Day: Day 3

Lately I’ve been depending on my “own understanding” instead of depending on the Lord’s. I love these verses because they are a constant reminder to lean on God’s understanding and not mine.
When I lean on my understanding, the following inevitably happens:
I stumble and fall instead of “running in the paths of God’s commands” as the Psalmist so perfectly describes in 119:32.
I see my problems as bigger than God instead of seeing God as bigger than the giants I face. Don’t forget that out of the 12 spies who surveyed the promised land (Numbers 13), only two – Joshua & Caleb – saw God bigger than the giants who inhabited the land. As a result, they were the only ones from their generation who lived to see and enjoy the promised land as a reward for their faithfulness.
I worry about things I can’t control instead of just trusting and obeying Him, which requires complete surrender on my part.
I rely on my weak inabilities instead of relying on God’s powerful abilities.
I take paths that lead me away from God instead of walking in His ways that lead me to Him.
I live in chaos instead of peaceful abandon to His will, plan and purpose for my life.
If I rely on God’s understanding and not mine, it’s a much more peace-filled path that encourages me to trust in Him more.
I’m curious: What are some ways you lean on your own understanding?