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Proverb a Day: Day 17
read proverbs 17 I’m not going to add to today’s Proverb because that would defeat the point!
Proverb a Day: Day 26
Read Proverbs 26 Usually our oldest sleeps in, but one morning she was up early, and we talked about how this verse is going to guide her well through the junior high years (!) Personally, I’ve had to relearn this verse over and over again. Gossip is an easy trap to fall into and once…
Proverb a Day: Day 8
CLICK HERE TO READ PROVERBS 8 This verse from Proverbs 8 is wisdom personified. For a long time, I thought it was talking about Jesus. But clearly, after studying the passage, it is talking about wisdom in a human fashion. This verse gives me hope: As long as I continue to strive for and seek…
Proverb a Day: Day 11
READ PROVERBS 11 Today’s Proverb is so rich with wisdom. And there are so many examples to draw from for everyday life. I remember my mom would tell me stories about her mom buying grains or rice in India when she was young. She recalled how the merchants would cheat their customers by adding small…
Proverb a Day: Day 22
Read Proverbs 22 My mother-in-law grew up in the projects in Shreveport, Louisiana as one of seven kids. She remembers plenty of times when strangers dropped off Thanksgiving dinner or other meals on their doorsteps. Now, each fall when she returns to her hometown, she gets together with her siblings to pay it forward. They…
Proverb a Day: Day 25
Read Proverbs 25 Proverbs 25 is rich with wisdom about choosing your words carefully. This fall, Robert and I will be celebrating 15 years of marriage. I wish I had applied this verse more during the early years of our marriage. I think it would have made some challenging days a little more bearable and…