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Proverb a Day: Day 10
READ PROVERBS 10 We often kid with Ellie, our youngest, that she is the richest among her sisters because she is the most diligent. Need a chore or task to be done? Ellie is your girl. Of course, like all of us, she is motivated by the money so we pay her accordingly. Her grandparents…
Proverb a Day: Day 5
CLICK HERE TO READ PROVERBS 5 So many Proverbs talk about faithfulness in a marriage. I chose this verse because it reminded me of a scene from my parents’ marriage. I remember so vividly the day my mom died after her four-year battle with cancer. My dad was there, holding her hand. He had just…
Proverb a Day: Day 16
read proverbs 16 So many rich verses in today’s Proverbs 16; I really had a hard time choosing. I love the version of this verse from the Good News Translation. Aren’t you surprised by how many strangers appreciate a kind word or action (like opening a door)? I have a friend who makes it a…
Proverb a Day: Day 4
CLICK HERE TO READ PROVERBS 4 These verses stood out to me from today’s Proverb because they are foundational for this great book. Proverbs tells us over and over again that the purpose in life is to get wisdom and to get understanding. But what is “wisdom?” And what is “understanding?” The journalist in me…
Proverb a Day: Day 8
CLICK HERE TO READ PROVERBS 8 This verse from Proverbs 8 is wisdom personified. For a long time, I thought it was talking about Jesus. But clearly, after studying the passage, it is talking about wisdom in a human fashion. This verse gives me hope: As long as I continue to strive for and seek…
Why “Thankfulness” Is My Word for 2022
As 2022 unfolds, I’m looking forward to what God is going to show me and my family through an unexpected word choice.