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Proverb a Day: Day 20
read proverbs 20 This verse is dedicated to all of the fine counselors and therapists I know. They are a special bunch of folks who can offer feedback, insights and so much wonderful counsel. It’s also dedicated to my niece, who is a psychology major. She listens well and doesn’t judge so I think she’s…
Day 1: Kitchen love challenge
Cleaning your appliances So here’s to Day 1 of the challenge! Most of my appliances were in pretty good shape but the top of my fridge was another story. Forget “wiping” down your appliance. My fridge had so much grime on top that I had to scrub it with baking soda. When you think about…
Proverb a Day: Day 17
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Proverb a Day: Day 27
Read Proverbs 27 Today’s Proverb is dedicated to a mentor in my life who pushes and challenges me to be better – especially when it comes to my new entrepreneurial role. He believes in me, challenges me to always focus on the clear goal and grows me in ways that I never expected.
Proverb a Day: Day 3
CLICK HERE TO READ PROVERBS 3 Lately I’ve been depending on my “own understanding” instead of depending on the Lord’s. I love these verses because they are a constant reminder to lean on God’s understanding and not mine. When I lean on my understanding, the following inevitably happens: I stumble and fall instead of “running…
Proverb a Day: Day 4
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