Proverb a Day: Day 17
read proverbs 17
I’m not going to add to today’s Proverb because that would defeat the point!
I’m not going to add to today’s Proverb because that would defeat the point!
READ PROVERBS 13 I want to dedicate this Proverb to all the wonderful teachers I know – past and present! They have one of the toughest callings yet thankfully, some of the richest rewards. As I type this, I am recalling two of my most favorite teachers at McCarter Elementary in Topeka, Kansas, who poured…
Read Proverbs 28 I’d like to dedicate today’s Proverb to my dear in-laws. I am blown away daily by their strong work ethic and the big and small ways they help our family. They are part of our “village,” and our family is so grateful. Thank you MIL and Daddy! (Is this how you stay…
As 2022 unfolds, I’m looking forward to what God is going to show me and my family through an unexpected word choice.
READ PROVERBS 10 We often kid with Ellie, our youngest, that she is the richest among her sisters because she is the most diligent. Need a chore or task to be done? Ellie is your girl. Of course, like all of us, she is motivated by the money so we pay her accordingly. Her grandparents…
The story of the 10 lepers, in Luke 17 reveals several ways to practice greater gratitude.